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Philology: scientific researches

Konson, G. R. Genre and Psychological Traditions of Introducing the Image of the Devil into the Life of the Literary Hero

Abstract: The author analyzes sources of the genre of novel and focuses on the Menippean satire as the genre with the following peculiar features: combination of contradictory thoughts, profanation of generally accepted values and special carnival-like atmosphere. According to the author, one of the most acute and dynamic feature of Devil is the cynicism which can be well shown through the combination of the aforesaid genre peculiarities. Based on the author, a specific feature of the studied type of novel dramaturgy is the demonstration of a hero in a state of depersonalization (double consciousness). This allows to focus on the conditions for introducing the motive of Doppelgänger as a particular sphere of the demoniac phenomenon. The research method used by the author is based on the synthesis of historical, ethical-philosophical, psychological, literary and comparative types of analysis as well as determination f the demoniac phenomenon. The scientific importance and novelty of the article is in creation of the ethic concept explaining the appearance of the Devil as a result of violation of moral principles of a society. Images of such guests from the underworld are created in the minds of literary characters as a moral recompense. Therefore, the Devil is viewed not as a real creature from the Hell but a temporary splitting of consciousness whose cognitive observing ‘self’ appears to be stronger than the emotional feeling ‘self’.


novel, Menippean satire, image, human, imp /devil, depersonalization, twin / Doppelgänger, consciousness, carnival, hallucinations.

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