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Philology: scientific researches

Gurevich, P. S. Has Lermontov’s Prophecy Come True?

Abstract: The article is devoted to the vision of a prophet that Lermontov had. Much is said about Lermontov as a messenger. The author of the present article tries to clarify what meaning the word ‘prophet’ acquires when we talk about a poet. It is noted that the poet’ vision of the future almost in all cases coincided with what actually happened some time later. Such a gift, as Pavel Gurevich states, is usually typical for the personality type called ‘intuitive’ by Carl Jung called. People with this personality type have a weak connection with the reality, they address to the world of ideals and spiritual absolutes. Mikhail Lermontov is a bright representative of this personality type. He can be called a ‘tragic philosopher-visionist. In his research article Pavel Gurevich uses methods of hermeneutic analysis of text. The author has also used the historicism method allowing to understand the social environment when this or that prophecy was created by the poet. Pavel Gurevih has also used the comparative approach allowing to compare the poet’s gift of prophecy with a similar gift of Alexander Pushkin. The novelty of the article is in the author’s attempt to analyze what is usually meant when researchers talk about Lermontov as a prophet. The author of the article does not only discuss the poet’s capability to predict future events. He also talks about Lermontov’s personality and analyzes feature that are generally typical for intuitive introverts. These personality types have unique features. They can actually see ahead and foresee future events which cannot be viewed by other personality types.


poetry, prophet, philosopher, future, vision, messenger, prophecy, prediction, genius.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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