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Administrative and municipal law

Kalinina L. E. Persuasion as a Method of Public Administration

Abstract: The author considers persuasion as a necessary method of public administration of economy. Enforcement of legal rules is more efficient with positive support by the subjects of relationships at law and understanding of their necessity. Coercion brings fewer results. As persuasion, the author considers target orientation of the government in economy, systematization of the rules of law regulating the economic sphere. A positive example of the law application practice also has a persuasive effect. Formation of voluntary compliance with the rules of law depends, among other things, on the information support of the public administration in economy. The methodological basis of research is both the general scientific methods: deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, and the specific scientific research methods: comparative legal, legal dogmatic, logic combined with the systematic analysis of the phenomena under study, method of legislation analysis and generalization the practice of its application. In modern theory of administrative law, insufficient attention is paid to using the persuasion method in public administration. Analyzing the programming mechanisms as persuasion of subjects in the economic sphere is new. As part of this research, the following conclusions were made. First of all, the persuasion method is characteristic of democratic administration systems. Second, using the persuasion method to manage the economy of the Russian Federation is difficult because of the absence of public milestones in economic policy. Third, the rules of law serve as the information component of persuasion in the public administration of economy. Fourth, the rules of law must be logical and understandable for the public the active part of which is ready to carry out entrepreneurial activities. Fifth, the systematization of legislation, review of the currently effective rules taking into consideration their interaction will serve as one of the means of social persuasion in the orientation of the public administration towards the interests of the public. Fifth, information about positive practice of law application and enforcement must be actively used as a means of persuasion.


administrative law, public administration, method of public administration, persuasion, economy, law enforcement, management by objectives, effectiveness of rules of law, method of influence, economic policy.

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