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Philology: scientific researches

Sergeev, V. A. Gender Polarity as the Basis of the World

Abstract: The author of the article believes that there is not a single country where love does not have a sacral meaning. Even cosmogonic myths prove it. Cosmogenic myths have a profound psychological meaning that has been lost by the modern culture. In particular, ancient culture had certain expressions describing the experience of loving someone and these expressions have been eventually forgotten. According to the author of the article, metaphysics of love were particularly expressed in Nikolay Berdyaev’s work. The Russian philosopher tried to combine the Christian definition of love with the classical Greek myth about androgyne that was later developed in Plato’s philosophy. The author of the article has used the research methods used in philosophical anthropology. Unlike rationalists, philosophical anthropologists often appeal to interpretation of myth, insight, intuition and mystical tradition. Moreover, the author has also applied the methods of historical research for tracing back the development of the concept of love throughout the history. The novelty of the article is in the author’s attempt to develop Nikolay Berdyaev’s ideas on metaphysics of gender and interpretation of love. For this purpose the author has analyzed poetical works reflecting different shades of the feeling of love. At the same time, the author touches upon plots related to desecration of love. Today psychiatrists often define love as a sick feeling. However, today’s reality is also defined by the loss of the sacred human emotions.


philosophy, philosophical anthropology, love, metaphysics of gender, metaphysics of love, Berdyaev, desecration of love, androgyne, love poetry, love philosophy.

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