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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Goncharuk, E. A. The Meaning of Neurotic Suffering

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the masochistic personality in research of Karen Horney. Analyzing Karen Horney’s theory, the author of the present article distinguishes between definitions of masochism in classical psychoanalysis and Neo-Freudianism. Sigmund Freud related the genesis of that psychological structure with the mystery of child’s psychosexual development. However, he did not limit masochism to sexual behavior as Karen Horney believed. Unlike Freud, Horney viewed masochism as a social phenomenon. She believed that masochism had roots in the personality conflict. In the course of their life people demonstrate different patterns of behavior – adjustment to the reality or escape from the reality, strengthening of a personality core or elimination of individuality. Karen Horney believed escapism to be the main feature of masochism. This approach allows to solve the main paradox of the masochistic personality, i.e. combination of suffering and enjoyment. The author of the article has used psychological methods for analyzing stereotypes and mechanisms. The author has also applied research methods of philosophical anthropology. In general, the author is based on methods of Neo-Freudianism and takes into account achievement of social psychology. The novelty of the article is in the author’s attempt to provide a comprehensive description of Karen Horney’s concept of masochism. For the first time in Russian philosophical and psychological literature the author provides a full description of her views. Comparing Freudian and Neo-Freudian interpretations of masochism, the author also pays attention to errors made by Karen Horney when analyzing that phenomenon.


psychology, neurosis, masochism, masochistic personality, personality, individuality, sexuality, ambivalence of feelings, suffering, enjoyment.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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