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International relations

A. M. Repieva Specifics of the Border Conflict between India and China

Abstract: This article aims to shed light on the historic pre-requisites of the current processes taking place in the regions of South Asia and affecting the global order in the 21st century. Politological analysis of border conflict settlement in South Asia shows that there are six specific regional features of such settlement of border conflicts which exist in the area in question: economic; political; ideological; diplomatic; precedent; religious features. This work focuses on the political and economic component whose influence is mostly evident in these countries. The main research method we chose is the historical reconstruction of the key events in the near-border zones of India and China. As our conclusions, we can point out the following: settlement of the conflict between China and India on the whole is in a latent state. The rare negotiations at top level only ensure the stability of non-aggression. No real steps to settle the border conflict are taken. Some rare provocations in the tension zone serve as proof that the parties are not interested in any forced final resolution of this problem.


region, independence, sovereignty, conflict, diplomatic relations, uprising, India, China, hostilities, foreign policy.

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