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Administrative and municipal law
Kurilova, E.V.
System of government bodies applying the legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere in
the process of prosecutor supervision.
// Administrative and municipal law.
2014. ¹ 10.
P. 1085-1090.
Kurilova, E.V. System of government bodies applying the legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere in the process of prosecutor supervision.Abstract: In the process of organization and implementation of prosecutor supervision over the compliance with the legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere, it is first of all necessary to cover all of the scope of the competent government bodies and officials involved in administrative prosecution in this direction within the scope of such supervision, since these bodies and officials often violate the federal and regional legislation, casting a negative influence upon rights, freedoms and lawful interests of the persons, official and legal entities. Methodological basis for the study was formed with the general scientific, dialectic and specific scientific methods of cognition of social and legal events in the sphere of implementation and organization of prosecutor supervision over the compliance with the legislation in the sphere administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of environmental protection. Analysis of the current legislation has shown that the system of government bodies implementing the legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere falling within the scope of prosecutor supervision has certain specific features, which is due to the distinction between the federal administrative offences and the offences provided for by the laws of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The competence in the sphere of application of the said legislation is spread among the federal executive bodies (federal ministries, services, agencies), their territorial bodies and structural divisions, they are transferred to the executive bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal bodies according to the spheres of competence of the Russian Federation and its constituent subjects. The article provides a clear view on the system of government bodies applying the legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere, facilitating the due prosecutor supervision in the said sphere. Keywords: prosecutor, supervision, administrative, responsibility, environmental, sphere, prosecutor, system, bodies, power.
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