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Administrative and municipal law

Chernyshev, A.I. Topical issues regarding property management in a municipal entity.

Abstract: The author of this article analyzes the topical problems regarding the choice of efficient methods for managing municipal property in Russia. The article reveals the main benefits of the various means of municipal administration, such as direct management, contract system, rent system, municipal concession. The author also discusses the main defects of the privatization of municipal property. The author substantiates the use of organizational, legal, economic and financial methods for managing municipal property. The author also compares the terms "operative control" and “economic control” in the activities of municipal unitary enterprises. The article involved the following scientific research methods: analytic method, formal logical method, method of comparison, method of generalization. The conclusion is that whatever the form of management is chosen by the municipal self-administration bodies, they should try to retain maximum manageability of property in their territories, however, one should not artificially preserve inefficient municipal property. When choosing the method for property administration one should take into account specificity of various branches of economy. It is also necessary that the measures regarding municipal property management are interrelated in the terms of their application and in respect to the resources involved. Once these conditions are satisfied, efficient management of municipal property can be achieved, and it shall facilitate both higher income from municipal property and social economic development of a municipal entity.


municipal administration, municipal property, title to property, privatization, rent system, municipal concession, municipal economy, municipal enterprise, operative control, economic control.

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