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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Nikandrov, A. V. Ethics of Men of Culture: Norberto Bobbio on Autonomy of Intellectuals

Abstract: By the early 50th of the 20th century Western European intellectuals adopted a whole tradition that closely related the role of political intellectuals to the cultural protection – a tradition that was very typical for the Russian intelligentsia. One of such intellectuals that clearly expressed those cultural and political ideas and emphasized the cultural protection to be the main political role of intellectuals was an Italian researcher in the spheres of philosophy of politics and philosophy of law Norberto Bobbio. His ideas on the relation between culture and politics and the role of ‘men of culture’ as he called intellectuals on politics were presented in his book ‘Politics and Culture’ published in 1955. The present article is devoted to the concept of autonomy of intellectuals and their particular political role developed and proved by Norberto Bobbio. Methodological basis of research includes the historical politological approach, methods of textual research and historical analytical method allowing to view Norberto Bobbio’s concept in terms of Western European political environment and scientific inquiries of the 20th century. Based on the concept of intellectuals as ‘men of culture’, Norbert Bobbio expressed his opinion on culture as an intellectual focusing on the principle of defending the autonomy of culture as the principle of political activity of intellectuals. To describe the role of intellectuals, Norbert Bobbio offered a term ‘politics of culture’ (which Norbert Bobbio opposed to the term ‘cultural policy’) when did not allow politics to interfere with culture. According to Norbet Bobbio, the main principles of intellectuals’ activity in politics should include the principle of intellectual autonomy, the motto ‘independence but not indifference’ and the dialogue principle.


party spirit, liberalism, socialism, communism, autonomy of culture, politics and culture, intellectual, Marxism, duty of intellectuals, political bias.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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