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Administrative and municipal law

Sizov, I.Y. On the issue of stricter administrative liability for the violations of migration legislation.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the key legislative changes regarding responsibility for violations of migration legislation, which came into force in the second half of 2013. Administrative legal regulation of migration of the population is among the most topical problems in the sphere of state administration. It is due to a number of matters: demographic problems, insufficient theoretical development of role and place of migration processes in the demographic development of the Russian Federation. These problems along with some other problems provoke a range of negative consequences in the sphere of guarantees of rule of law, as well as in the sphere of social and economic development of the state. For an efficient solution for the migration problems, such as organizing the labor market, lowing the level of crime, there is need for the constant monitoring of legal practice, analysis of the current situation and forecasts regarding development of the migration processes. The methodological basis for the dissertation was formed with the modern achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of study the author involved general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectic, systemic methods, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logical), as well as methods used in the specific social studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). With every year illegal migration draws more and more attention of government bodies. The Government annually revises the issues of migration in various context, defining quotas for the attraction and use of foreign workforce in the Russian Federation, it also deals with a number of other issues in the sphere of migration policy implementation. However, in spite of the measures being taken, it is too early to state that the global problems in the sphere of migration guarantees have been solved.


migration, politics, migration, responsibility, coercion, police, strengthening, Federal Migration Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, control.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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