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Administrative and municipal law

Biyushkina, N.I. Problems of legal regulation of administrative supervision in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article involves the study of theoretical legal problem involving the correlation between the terms "administrative supervision" and "police supervision". The author provides comparative analysis of modern and pre-Revolution legislation on administrative supervision. The author bases her conclusions upon the opinions of authoritative scientists of both modern and the pre-Revolution periods regarding the issues of efficient organization of legal means of state influence upon potentially dangerous persons posing a terrorist threat to the society. Substantiating the theses expressed in the article, the author provides information on the modern situation in Russia concerning terrorism. These and many other types of data outside the scope of this article prove the objective need to form more efficient mechanisms capable of doing more than just dealing with the tragic consequences of terrorist acts, preventing them and successful implementing prophylactic activities. The methodological basis for the work was formed with the method of comparative legal studies of the pre-Revolution legislation of Russia regulating various forms of administrative and police supervision, as well as modern normative legal regulation of administrative supervision in the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty is due to holding the study without any ideological bias. Based upon the study of legislation, by-laws and newly introduced in the scientific turnover archive sources the author provides a detailed study of the activities of the state bodies and officials of the pre-Revolution Russia regarding fighting terrorism. The author for the first time attempts to extrapolate the pre-Revolution experience of efficiently fight of the state against terrorism and the modern Russian political and legal reality with due consideration to the specificities of the current time.


administrative control, administrative supervision, public police supervision, secret supervision, police law, limited control, administrative procedures, executive power, public administration.

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