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International Law and International Organizations

Stepanenko, V.S. Review on the book: Modernization of the legislation of the European Union on climate protection and energy saving. Collection of scientifi c works./ Publishing Editors: Dubovik, O.L., Alferova, E.V. Moscow: INION RAN, IGP RAN, – 2014. – 265 p.

Abstract: The object of studies involves the views of the Russian and foreign scientists specializing in the environmental law, on the issues of legal regulation and policy in the sphere of climate protection and energy saving in the European Union as a whole and some of its Member States: the Great Britain, Germany, France. The author analyzes the main directions of the development of the legislation on climate protection and energy saving, evaluating the need for the reform of the European legislation in these spheres, and bringing European and national laws on climate protection closer to each other. Special attention is paid to the issues of use of renewable energy sources, climatic engineering methods, protection of biological variety. The method of studies involves comparison of the substantiated opinions, as expressed in the articles of the leading Russian and European specialists, evaluation of their applicability once the Russian Federation uptakes relevant obligations. Scientifi c novelty and conclusions are as follows: the reviewed collection of article contains a number of newest articles, involving topical studies of legal regulation of application of the mitigation and adaptation measures for the climate change and guaranteeing sustainable environmental development. The conclusion is made on the need to take into account the modern situation in the environmental policy and climate protection law of the EU, once Russia uptakes relevant environmental obligations.


Modernization, energy, energy saving, climate, adaptation, mitigation, the European Union, Germany, France, the Great Britain.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Modernizatsiya zakonodatel'stva Evropeyskogo soyuza ob okhrane klimata i energosberezhenii: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov / Otv. red. O.L. Dubovik, E.V. Alferova. M.: INION RAN, IGP RAN, 2014. – 265 s