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International Law and International Organizations

Ryabtseva, E.V. The international “pro bono” practice: analysis of the activities of the international organizations

Abstract: The article contains analysis of the activities of the international organizations in the sphere of provisions of the free of charge legal services. The author presents a study of the activities of the specialized international organizations, majoring in the provision of the free legal aid. The author shows the spheres of activities of such organizations, their interaction with other international, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as with the citizens and organizations in need of the free legal aid. The author pays special attention to the large international organizations majoring in pro bono activities. At the same time this is not always the sole direction of their activities, it is combined with other types of activities. The methodology of the studies is based upon the dialectic method, which is fundamental for the scientifi c cognition as such. The article also involves comparative legal, historical, formal logical, statistical, sociological methods of scientifi c studies . The article presents the fi rst comprehensive study of the international organizations in the sphere of pro bono practice. The author provides a classifi cation of the international organizations regarding the main spheres of their activities. The fi rst group involves organizations specializing solely on pro bono. The second group involves organizations implementing pro bono in addition to their main activities. The article may be of help for both the theoretical studies of the legal nature of the international organizations and the practical issues regarding interaction with the international organizations providing free of charge legal aid.


Pro bono, international organizations, bar associations, standards for the legal services, poor persons, non-governmental charitable organization, international cooperation, international association of lawyers, cooperation agreements.

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