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International Law and International Organizations

Ganyushkina, E.B. Basic components of the international legal order in the sphere of regulation of the international trade

Abstract: International legal order in the sphere of regulation of international trade is regarded outside the scope of the WTO, but within the context of its infl uence, recognizing its dominant role. The author provides a defi nition of international trade, discussing object and immediate object of regulation in this sphere of the modern international law. The author evaluates the main methods of international legal regulation of international trade. The author singles out trade contracts, trade contingent contracts (contracts for the turnover of goods) and other types of contracts among the international contracts regulating international trade. Among the exceptions from the scope of the WTO the author evaluates the regime for the export of national heritage objects, and sales of raw resources. Outside the scope of the WTO the preferential systems are formed, as well as the export of weapons and “double purpose” goods. The methodological basis involves a general scientifi c dialectic method of cognition, as well as the method of systemic analysis, comparative legal, historical, logical, structural functional, method of interpretation of the norms of the international law, etc. Unlike the traditional perception of the international trade within the scope of the WTO, the article provides analysis of spheres of regulation of international trade outside the scope of this universal international organization. The author also provides her own defi nition of the international legal order in the sphere of regulation of international trade, providing classifi cation of the international contacts in the sphere of regulation of international trade. The author analyzes the newest international treaties in the sphere of raw resources trading. The author also discusses the tendencies for the further development of the international legal order in the sphere of regulation of the international trade.


International legal order, international trade, trade contracts, contingent treaties, raw materials goods, international commodity agreements, international administrative commodity agreements, preferential systems, export control, double purpose goods.

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