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National Security
Karpovich, O.G.
Foreign political (international) lobbying: views from Washington and Brussels.
// National Security.
2014. ¹ 4.
P. 543-552.
Karpovich, O.G. Foreign political (international) lobbying: views from Washington and Brussels.Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the international lobbying and its role in managing political processes in the conditions of globalization. The international lobbying activity involves interaction of legal entities and physical persons with the structure of state government and governing institutions at the global level in order to influence development and adoption of their decisions in the interests of a lobbying organization or its clients. The main goals of the lobbying activities are formation of communications with the nation state structures and international organizations, providing to them information regarding the object of lobbying, monitoring of the work in the spheres involving interests of a state or an organization. The methodological basis for the work involves systemic, structural-functional, comparative political, comparative historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, modeling. Additionally, the main goals of international lobbying include guaranteeing representation of the interests of a state or an organization of other state at the various levels of state government and global administration; influencing the legislation involving interests of the relevant segments of the global community, guaranteeing informing and understanding of the legislators towards their problems and activities. Keywords: national security, foreign policy, the USA, the European Union, lobbying, international lobbying, state, interests, values, cooperation.
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