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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Senuta I.Y. Human Rights in the Sphere of Health Protection: Constitutional Profiles and Civil Society Legal Framing

Abstract: The article gives a comparative analysis of the legislation in the sphere of public health protection in Ukraine and the European regulatory framework for the protection of patients' rights. Medico-legal regulation of carrying out the preventive health interventions such as vaccinal prevention and tuberculin diagnostics is considered. The right to consent and refusal to comply with medical intervention is compared. The possibilities of realization of the rights of citizens to obtain affordable, free and quality health care and the prohibition of any form of discrimination on the grounds of financial resources, place of residence, kind of illness or time of access to care are analyzed. The classification of types of medical care provided in the public health system in Ukraine: ambulance, outpatient, inpatient, as well as regulatory support of medical activities are presented. The right of citizens to access information about their health and to ensure the confidentiality of personal information of the patient, as during his lifetime and after his death, the provisions of health information discloser to family members of the patient, depending on the condition of the patient and the opinion of the treating physician are subjected to analyses.


the rights of patients in the Ukrainian legislation, legal regulation of public health in Ukraine, legal regulations of the carrying out of medical interventions, the right of patients to receive information.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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