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Police activity

Radochina, T.N. British experience of prophylactics of offences with the mounted police divisions

Abstract: the object of studies involves a combination of conceptual issues within the institution of mounted police of the Great Britain: history of its formation, main goals and functions of the mounted police divisions, professional requirements to the staff of these police divisions and the conditions for joining the service, education and training of an officer of mounted police division and training the horses. In addition the article points out specific attitude of the English society to the mounted police division, which is reflected in the practice of the British courts regarding the offenders attacking mounted policemen and their horses. One of the aspects of study in this article involves the problems of funding the mounted police divisions in the modern conditions and possible ways out of the situation threatening with the abolition of this type of police in many modern states. Methodology of the study involves a combination of methods: historical, sociological, comparative legal, formal logic, induction and deduction, practical analysis of administrative and criminal cases regarding activities of the mounted police in the Great Britain. Scientific novelty is due, firstly, to the modern consecutive historical analysis of the institution of mounted police divisions of the Great Britain from the moment of its formation in 1976 and to our days. Secondly, the materials on the modern functional purposes of the mounted police in the new conditions, training of officers and horses for the service in this division are quite novel as well. Thirdly, novelty is involved in the analysis of the latest problems regarding funding and preservation of this type of police, causing on one hand the state measures for limiting such police formation, and on the other hand active opposition of the general public to the processes of dissolution of mounted police and liquidation of police horses, showing its significant input into preservation of the public order and lawfulness.


mounted police of the Great Britain, history, goals, functions, priorities of a mounted policeman, requirements to candidates, judicial practice, modern problems, support of the general public, perspectives.

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1. Anthony Bond. Mirror, 3 of May, 2014.
2. Sunday Express, 25 of October, 2012.
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