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Administrative and municipal law

Yulegina, E.I. Administrative legal characteristics of the problems in the sphere of interaction between the government bodies and institutions of the civil society in the sphere of fighting corruption.

Abstract: The article concerns specific features of interaction between the state government bodies and civil society institutions. The author provides administrative legal characteristics of participation of the civil society institutions in the sphere of implementation of the public administration. The author makes a conclusion on the presence of two interrelated problems in the sphere of interaction between the state government and civil society institutions. Firstly, while institutional fundamentals for the interaction between the state and civil society are provided, the society is not ready for active interaction and it is not an equally important partner in these relations. Secondly, the mechanism for such an interaction requires stage-by-stage implementation in order to involve the society in the participation of public administration. The author analyzes the role of interaction between the state bodies and civil society in the sphere of reform of public administration via fighting corruption. The author provides comparative legal analysis of current legislation regulating various aspects of interaction between society and state and representative data of various non-governmental organization based upon polls among the citizens and business structures in order to reveal their opinions on the situation in the sphere of civil society in Russia. Scientific novelty of this article is due to the fact that for the first time it provides analysis of the problems of interaction between the stage government bodies and civil society both in general, and from the standpoints of fighting corruptions and gaps in their administrative legal regulation. Raising efficiency of interaction between the government and civil society is de facto declarative, while being one of the directions of administrative reform. Interaction between the government and civil society did not result in either real influence of society upon the administrative decision-making of the government bodies, or the control over the activities of the state apparatus by the people, or fighting corruption. However, changes in the policy on raising efficiency of public administration is already aimed at a comprehensive solution of the problems in these spheres targeting at the social and public-private partnership. Accordingly, the measures taken in order to involve the citizens into modernization of public administration should work. Therefore, comprehensive solution of the problems in the sphere of interaction between the state and civil society should have a positive influence upon the involvement of the latter in fighting corruption.


public administration, regulation, civil society, interaction, fighting corruption, administrative reform, efficiency, concept, anti-corruption policy.

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