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Trends and management

Vlasyuk, G.V., Gruzdeva, S.E. Competitiveness of an offer as a factor for competitiveness of an organization.

Abstract: Today the capability of enterprises to guarantee formation of competitive offer, which meets the dynamically changing needs of businesses and population becomes a very topical issue. This article contains an attempt to evaluate competitiveness of an offers as a factor reflecting the quality of static and dynamic characteristics of the organization structure. The authors prove interrelation and interdependency of formation of the quality organization structure and competitive proposals depending on the situation drift. It is noted that competitiveness may only be guaranteed with constant work on improvement of human resources of an enterprise. Based upon the analysis of the poll held by the authors, they analyze specific features of the modern production enterprise, forecasting difficulties, which may appear in an organization in the process of situation drift. Attention is paid to the fact that presence of a competitive offer in the absence of due attention to the enterprise development, its adaptation capability allows one to speak of temporary limitation of competitiveness of such an enterprise. Therefore, while forming the offer, which currently meets the demand, due attention is not paid to enterprise development, formation of adaptation capability. At the same time there are significant disparities in the perception of internal organization situation by the leaders and by the working personnel, information guarantee problems show the possible inefficiency of decisions and organization of their implementation as a process. Formation of problem zones within an organization forms an obstacle in the way of efficient use of the resources, minimizing the will of the staff towards development. It allows one to speak of temporary limitation of competitiveness of the company.


competitiveness, competitive offer, organization, adaptation capabilities, internal organizational ties, static characteristics of the structure, dynamic characteristics of the structure, organization structure, market, target segment.

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