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Spiridonov, V.V. Analysis of consequences of credit relations between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund.

Abstract: Today we witness the situation of the large-scale political operation for the economic salvation of the Europeanoriented government in Ukraine. The International Monetary Fund is saving Ukraine. It is important that for Ukraine the Fund allows to provide money to cover the budgetary deficit in Ukraine, and not the balance of payments or support of national currency of Ukraine. Additionally, the Fund leaders do not trust the Government of Ukraine and intend to control incomes and spending of the state themselves. There has never been such a situation in the global practice. At the time when the treaty was concluded the terms for the Ukrainian credit were not finally agreed upon. The article contains comparative economic analysis of the situation in Ukraine, as well as in some states, which cooperated with the IMF. The International Monetary Fund approved the provision of credit to Ukraine for the restoration of its economy, which is undergoing a lasting crisis. The total amount of credit was 17,1 million USD.


international relations, external policy, Ukraine, geopolitics, IMF, economics, finances, credit, security, conflict.

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