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Pedagogy and education

Gurevich, P. S. The Meaning of Human Existence and Values of Education

Abstract: The meaning of human existence is a regulatory concept typical for all systems of the world view. This concept proves and interprets morals and values typical for a particular world view and shows for which sake associated activity is performed. The author of the present article talks about education as a general form of the development of personality and society and the unity of education, up-bringing and development. The idea of education itself was created as a result of the duality of human nature. On the one hand, human is a natural creature and therefore he behaves like an animal. But on the other hand, human is an intelligent and spiritual human. Hegel notes that human isn’t what he should be naturally. An animal does not need education and therefore an animal is what it should be naturally. The author bases his research on the principle of historicism which allows to view each phenomenon in the historical perspective, i.e. in the process of its creation and further development. The author also defends the methodological principle of combining education and up-bringing. In this case the author uses the methods from philosophical anthropology. The novelty of the research is in the attempt to take another look at the relation between education and development. The nature of the relation between education and up-bringing is obviously de􀁹ined by particular needs of teaching and school. Still existing difference between these categories are caused by the imperfect and limited concept of school education in general. The integration of education and up-bringing is re􀁹lected in the Ancient Greek idea of paideia.


education, up-bringing, teaching, development, human, animal, human existence, history, culture, image of the world.

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