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Actual problems of Russian law

Os'makova O.N. Formirovanie material'noi bazy missionerskoi deyatel'nosti RPTs v Kitae v seredine XVIII – nachale XIX veka: problemy i sposoby normativnogo obespecheniya


Kitai, Russkaya dukhovnaya missiya, normativnoe obespechenie, instruktsiya, missioner, katekhizatsiya

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Snosheniya Rossii s Vostokom po delam tserkovnym. T. 1. (1787) / Pod red. A.E. Dem'yanova. SPb. 1858.
2. Materialy po istorii rossiiskoi dukhovnoi missii v Pekine. T. 1. (1771-1781) / Pod red. N.I. Veselovskogo. SPb. 1905.