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National Security

Medov, M.U. Forensic characteristics of the terrorist personality in the Western Europe.

Abstract: The object of studies is terrorism as a socially negative matter in general, and terrorist personality in particular. The studies also involve activities of state and society in the sphere of guaranteeing control over this negative social phenomenon. The goal of the study is to study and define the main criminologically valuable characteristics of the terrorist personality in order to take efficient measures against the spread of terrorism in Russia. The object of studies includes: scientific heritage, current criminal legislation, statistical data, foreign criminal legislation, scientific literature and study manuals in the relevant sphere. In addition to the general scientific cognition methods, the author applied the following special scientific cognition methods: logical, historical, systemic structural, statistical, sociological (polling, interviewing),etc. The methodological basis for this study was formed with the basic categories of dialectic materialism: negation of negation, transformation of quantity of change into quality, philosophical categories of general, special, and singular, causes and effects, etc. Scientific novelty of the work is due to the fact that it reveals some specific features of the terrorist personality in the Western Europe. In addition, the article provides a comprehensive description of crimes and persons committing these crimes. The author reveals new information of the relevant criminological determining factors and terrorist personality. The author also provides for some special approaches towards the terrorism prophylactics, as well as for the typology of terrorist personality in the Western Europe.


terrorist personality, social and demographic characteristics, personality typology, terrorism in Europe, individual specificities, comparative analysis, specific personal characteristics, terrorism psychology, threat of terrorism, characteristics of terrorist groups.

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