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Police activity

Panshin, D.L. Some aspects of professional anti-corruption education of the staff of the State Traffi c Inspectorate of the Russian Federation

Abstract: In this article the author has studied the index of attitude towards corruption by the population towards the State Traffi c Inspectorate (STI) staff, as well as attitude and cognition of corruption manifestation by the STI staff themselves. Based upon the earlier studies on causes and conditions for corruptions in the STI the author analyzed the special anti-corruption education programs, which are implemented in the higher education institutions of the MIA of Russia. Based upon the analysis of statistical data on revealed corruption offences in the STI divisions the author makes a conclusion on the need to develop and implement professional anti-corruption education programs. In the process of research the author collected, systematized, analyzed existing educational anti-corruption programs within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The STI of Russia should develop and implement its own specialized anti-corruption programs and educational programs, since professional activities of the STI staff are directly connected with daily resolution of confl icts. These programs should be based on specifi c features of work of every division or every category of professional position, as well as on specifi c features of their involvement into the resolution of confl icts.


prophylactics, cadres, prevention, causes, program, police, education, corruption, State Traffi c Inspectorate.

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