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Philology: scientific researches

Glinchikova, E. V. Understanding as a Creative Action

Abstract: The present article is not a research in the classical meaning of the word. The article contains the three philosophical essays written by the author on different topics. Generally speaking, these are the thoughts of the author on the emotional perception of cultural objects and creative inspiration. The author of the article had the goal to withdraw from the usual logic and methodology of scientific research and take a completely new look at the human. The author of the article tries to withdraw from the subject-object dualism that views the consciousness as the split phenomenon. The disadvantage of the scientific point of view seeing human as an object of research the inevitable distortion of facts by postulating the position of the analysis and decomposition of the whole into parts as the established truth. In other words, a researcher defines an object of research based on a very uncertain feature and by doing so, the researcher breaks the integrity which creates the hermeneutic circle. Therefore, anthropological researches always view the human nature as incomplete and always doomed to doubt. The author of the present research makes an attempt to view an action of a researcher as a creative action where the primary structure of the phenomenon is not separated as an object of research but reveals itself in the process of thoughts being dissolved in the emotional perception. In this case the primary structure stops to be universal and becomes real and personal and part of the autorythmia of human activity. As a result, the author refers to the most realized creative action performed by the author and presented in her attempts to work with different literary genres remembering about the goals and purposes of a philosophical and literary experiment. Conclusions whether the author’s attempt was a success are left up to the readers.


creativity, self-cognition, autorythmia, literature, philosophy, anthropology, poems, essay, knowledge (cogitation), hermeneutic circle.

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