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International Law and International Organizations

Nikolaev, V.B. Right to education and international standards of the United Nations Organization

Abstract: The article concerns basic legal documents within the UNO system, forming the basis for the universal international standards in the sphere of education. The author analyzes the provisions of basic conventions and declarations, which were adopted by the General Assembly of the UNO on the issues of education. Special attention is paid to the problem of non-discrimination in the sphere of education based on racial, national and religious background, sex, language, health condition. The author studies the fundamentals of international law regarding education of convicted persons and persons with limited abilities. As a result of the study, the author formulates the conclusion on the development within the UN framework of the system of universal standards , guaranteeing general and specifi c rights of every person for an education, as one of the most signifi cant rights within the complex of basic human rights and freedoms. It is noted that the system of universal international standards of the UNO in the sphere of education allows to form the conditions for the implementation of a right of every person for the access to quality education on an universal scale.


international organizations, right to education, the United Nations Organization, equal rights, non-discrimination, international documents, international standards, special legal guarantees, basic human freedoms, education.

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