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International relations

Anisimov, L.N. The historical legal recourse towards the problem of the Treaty of Peace between the USSR (Russia) and Japan

Abstract: On January 31, 2014 in Tokyo there was another round of regular consultations at the level of Vice-Ministers of the Foreign Affairs of Russia and Japan. The Russian side was represented by I.V. Morgulov and the Japanese side was S. Sugiyama. In the course of consultations the main attention was paid to the issues of furthering the Russian – Japanese cooperation, including closer political dialogue, wider scope of trade and economic ties, development of contacts in the practical spheres and cultural exchanges in the light of implementation of agreements achieved at the meetings of heads of the two states in 2013. There was an exchange of opinions regarding a number of topical international issues, including the security guarantees and lowering the conflict potential in the Asian-Pacific region. According to the assignments of leaders of two states – Russia and Japan there was a discussion of concluding a Treaty of Peace between Russia and Japan and its historic aspects. The parties have agreed upon holding the next round of consultations in Moscow. Specific time shall be agreed upon via the diplomatic channels.


international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Japan, political stability, Treaty of Peace, conflict, interests, values.

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