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Actual problems of Russian law

Novikov, Y.V Mechanism for the determination of criminal behavior as an element of criminological characteristics of crime

Abstract: The article includes detailed analysis of the terms “mechanism of criminal behavior”, “mechanism of a crime”, “mechanism of criminal activity”, “crime”, “criminological situation”, “criminological environment”, their similarities and differences, based upon which the author discusses criminological characteristics of certain types (groups) of crime and offers to use the term “mechanism for the determination of criminal behavior”. The mechanism of determination of criminal behavior is a process of application of objective and subjective factors expectably leading to a crime, defining the sequence, development and contents of precrime, criminal and post-crime acts or failures to act. The author offers the structure for the mechanism of determination of the criminal behavior. In the opinion of the author description of the mechanism of criminal behavior according to the structure allows for the maximally comprehensive description of negative features of the criminal object, establishing the stages for the genesis of the relevant kind (type) of crime, personality of a criminal, taking into account both the temporary factors and the stages of development of a crime.


mechanism for determination, criminological characteristics, mechanism of criminal behavior, mechanism of a crime, mechanism of criminal activity, crime, criminal situation, criminal environment, personality of a criminal, crime.

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