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Actual problems of Russian law

Lyahova, M.A. Legal nature of the contract for the development of the built-up area

Abstract: The article concerns the legal nature and the list of fundamental conditions for the contract for the development of the built-ap areas according to the civil and city-planning legislation The conclusion is made that the contract for the development of the built-up area is an entrepreneurial one by its nature, while at the time of its conclusion and implementation there are public law elements due to the interdisciplinary connections between civil and city-planning branches of law. The entrepreneurial nature of this contract is due to the fact that parties to the contract receive mediated profit: part of the housing constructions may be transferred to the property of public law formation. As for the goals, the contract for the development of the built-up area is a causal one, it has limited application period, and it includes remuneration, since there is a cost for the right to conclude the contract and an obligation to pay the repurchase price. The contract for the development of the built-up area is an investment contract, and its legal nature allows to single out its entrepreneurial character.


development of a built-up area, construction, fundamental conditions for the contract, development contract, conclusion of a contract, open auction, planning project, developer, registering title to property, administration.

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