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Actual problems of Russian law

Kirillova, E.E. Substitution in the inheritance law of Russia: value, role, specific features

Abstract: The article concerns the institution of substitution of a heir in the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The author provides the Roman inheritance tradition, which primarily provided for the substitution of heir and the Roman law of the post-classical epoch provided for the several kinds of inheritance substitution. The author studies the legal status of the substitute heir, his rights and obligations, provides comparative analysis of inheritance substitution and the institution of inheritance transmission. The author studies nature, role and value of inheristance substitution in the Russian legislation paying attention to the specific features of its legal regulation. The analysis of the specific features of inheritance relations appearing when a heir is substituted by the testament allows one to draw a conclusion that inheritance substitution is an independent type of inheritance. Inheritance relations appear due to the death of the main heir as well as due to the death of the testator, or due to the causes mentioned in Art. 1121 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, allowing to bring a substitute heir to inheriting.


inheritance law, heir, testator, inheritance substitutions, inheritance transmission, substituted heir, succession, testamentary disposition, quasipupilar substitution, vulgar substitution.

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