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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Sinitsin S.A. Absolute and Proprietary Rights According to the Civil Law of Hungary: the Doctrine and the Legislation

Abstract: The article considers issues of legal regulation and issues of research of absolute and proprietary rights. Issues of legal regulation of absolute and proprietary rights in the legislation and in the theory of civil law of Hungary are studied. Using the example of the Hungarian civil legislation and the Hungarian law doctrine, the notion of absoluteness as an indicia of proprietary rights, absoluteness as an indicia inherent both to the right of ownership and to limited proprietary rights are considered.


property rights, absolute rights, limited property rights, ownership, right of pledge, proprietary right of Hungary, subjective rights, liability rights, civil law of Hungary, legal relationship.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Csanádi G. Polgári job. Budapest, 1973.
2. Miklos V., Gyula E. Magyar polgári jog. T.1.
3. Tóth L. Abszolút es Relativ magánjogi jogviszonyok. Budapest, 1933