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Police activity

Makarov, A.A. Legal position and organizational formation of the legal divisions (legal service) in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Abstract: The role of legal divisions is significant for achieving the goals of the MIA of Russia on guaranteeing lawfulness in the activities of the internal affairs bodies and internal armed forces, considering their significant role in the improvement of the Russian legislation on the activities of the MIA. The article concerns the legal service in the MIA and its structure, contract department of the MIA, its main functions and goals, legal divisions in the departments and regional divisions of the MIA. The legal work in the territorial bodies of the MIA of Russia at the regional level is done by the senior legal consultants (legal consultants). The article discusses rights and obligations of a legal consultant, his interactions with other services in the MIA. The article involves dialectic method, systemic approach towards the object of studies, comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, content-analysis of normative legal acts. The Contract Law Departments of the MIA and legal divisions in the Departments and Offices of the MIA of Russia at the regional level – the legal groups or legal branches, consisting of legal consultants. This selective approach allows to discuss the competence of the chief division of the MIA of Russia in the sphere of legal work and competence of a legal consultant as the key officer of the legal service. The competence of the legal consultant of the territorial body of the MIA of Russia at the regional level are various. Considering the amount of annual publications of new normative legal acts of the MIA of Russia and the large-scale amendments into the current legal acts, the role of legal consultant and the amount of their work shall be growing, while the status (general, special, individual) shall be supported. The combined data on the staff quantity of the legal divisions within the MIA system in 2007 – first half of the 2013 at the district level (up to July 1, 2013) is provided, as well as information on the claims for the compensation of moral damage brought against the bodies and divisions of the MIA of Russia in the period from 2007 to the first half of the 2013.


legal service, legal consultant, contractual legal department, the MIA of Russia, the legal divisions, goals, functions, competence, legal position, claim, staff quantity, legal work.

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