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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Polyakov, S.B. Legal science, practice and politics

Abstract: The article continues the discussion, which was once started by the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Legal Science and Its Value in the Modern Society” which was held on April 11, 2013 at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University, since topicality of the issues discussed for the political and legal life in Russia is ever-growing. The author evaluates the correlation of the legal science and practice, legal science and power. The contradiction of legal science and power is eternal. The law scholars and the government officials have the same object of studies, which is the social relations. However, for the ruler the common goal with the scientist, which is the search for the optimum solutions of the social conflicts, is bound with his personal goal –which is to keep the power. Implementation of legal ideas in legislation and legal practice is only possible through power. The power has the last say in the fight with the ignorance and private selfishness in every law and every legal matter. But each success of science influences the tendency of the legal development. The scientific character of legal practice limits the power with the law. The main inner challenge for the legal science in the modern Russia is lack of solutions on legal mechanisms of the guarantees of scientific character of law-making and law-enforcement activities. The abstraction of legal science from practice is a civilized way of the power struggle between the government and the scientists. The vulnerable spot of the legal science in the sphere of fighting with the government for the power is the passion for disputes on the truth of their scientific schools.


Russia, jurisprudence, legal science, legal practice, state power, politics, fighting for law, law-enforcement, legal expertise, legal development.

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