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Administrative and municipal law

Shagieva, R.V. Theoretical fundamentals for the studies of financial activity in the science of financial law.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the theory of financial activity, it concerns financial activity and its social nature. The author substantiates the position that financial activity is a legal, and not economical matter. That is why, special attention is paid to legal forms of its implementation in the modern state. Even an overview of the writings on this issue shows that most of the definitions of financial activity of the state and financial activity of the municipal units have no significant differences. Financial activity of the state is implementation of the functions of the state on planned formation, distribution and use of financial funds (financial resources) for the implementation of goals of social and economic development, guarantees of defense capacity and security of a state, as well as the guarantees of financial resources for the state body activities. Financial activities of a state in the science of financial law is regarded as a special type of state activity, since it is implemented by the three branches of government — legislative, executive and judicial branches within the framework of their competence. Financial activity of the state is first of all aimed at formation, distribution (redistribution) and use of the monetary funds owned by the state (federal budget, budgets of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, state non-budgetary funds, funds of state unitary enterprises, including fiscal enterprises, and other organizations owned by the state). However, in the opinion of the author financial activities of the state and its bodies covers also the process of formation, distribution and partial use of financial funds by the privately owned economic entities. Financial activities of the state may be defined as a special type of state activity aimed at the implementation of organizational and other activities of the state bodies (mostly, in legal form) in the process of distribution of the gross domestic product and part of the national income in the society by forming, distribution (redistribution) and use of various financial funds (both centralized and decentralized), which are necessary for guaranteeing with the financial resources of the functioning of the government bodies in the three branches of government, implementation of internal security and defense programs, implementation of national scientific, economic and cultural development programs, and satisfying other needs of the consumers in the society. The municipal bodies also implement financial activities for the formation, distribution and use of the financial funds as necessary for the financial guarantees of dealing with the local issues.


financial activities of the state, activities of municipal entities, finances, financial resources, monetary resources, monetary funds, financial law, municipal unit, national security, economy.

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