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Actual problems of Russian law

Gladysheva, O.V. Guarantees of lawful interests and rights of a victim in a criminal judicial proceedings in Russia: history and modern situation

Abstract: The object of studies concerns the works of renowned Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet procedural law scholars on the issues of the guarantees of lawful interests and rights of a victim in a criminal judicial proceedings. The author notes the need to implement guarantees in several directions: regarding lawful interests and rights of a citizen and rights of a participant of a criminal judicial proceedings. Limitations of rights in criminal judicial proceedings may be both lawful and unlawful. At the same time, the limitations of the rights of a participant of the criminal judicial proceedings may be solely illegal. The study is based upon the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, as well as historical, formal legal, logical and comparative method. It is stressed in the article that incorrect scientific attitude towards normative regulation in part of guarantees of proprietary rights of a victim in the Russian pre-Revolution criminal judicial proceedings has its influence on the current attitude towards this procedural institution. The guarantees of rights of a victim, including the right of proprietary claims, requires more detailed studies of historical heritage, which should be carefully preserved as the basis for the system of legal guarantees in criminal judicial proceedings in the Russian Federation.


Charter, criminal, judicial proceedings, lawfulness, victim, rights, interests, limitations, citizen, participant.

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