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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Baksansky, O. E. Cognitive Representations of the Picture of the World: From Common Sense to Scientific Knowledge

Abstract: Cognitive picture of the world can be disproved by new observations and researches showing that the world is much richer than what is perceived by a subject. However, it does not mean at all that a subject has limited cognitive abilities or unreliable perception system. In other words, man does not create the world. He creates only representations of the world based on his experience and perception system. Cognitive representations allow to forecast future events and cognitive (mental) maps guide us in our surroundings. This is what makes them significant and valued. Methodological schemes and models provide the easiest access to gaining knowledge about the reality. They serve as the intellectual tool that allows to combine isolated elements. These schemes represent a particular vision of the world typical for this or that stage of history. The author also carries out the analysis of the genesis and development of the scientific picture of the world based on the common sense. According to the author, man does not create the world. He creates only representations of the world based on his experience and perception system. Cognitive representations allow to forecast future events and cognitive (mental) maps guide us in our surroundings. This is what makes them significant and valued.


cognitive representation, picture of the world, common sense, perception, genetic epistemology, hermeneutics, social epistemology, scientific picture of the world, philosophy of education, methodology of knowledge.

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