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Administrative and municipal law

Kudryavtsev, V.V. On some issues regarding constitutional legal regulation of the right of citizens and their associations to take part in the formation of the representative bodies of municipal units in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The object of studies concerns some tendencies and novelties in the Russian legislation concerning the changes in the process of formation of city and municipal districts in Russia and participation of the citizens of the Russian Federation and their associations in this procedure, as well as their influence on the right of the local population to take part in the formation of the municipal government bodies, which, in turn, is a crucial element of the right to take part in the implementation of the local self-government. The author studies the dynamics and the logical chain of the latest changes in the legislation in this sphere, then he analyzes the various points of view on the topical issues and the practice of application of the federal legislative rules in the sphere of municipal elections from the standpoint of the right to participate in the formation of the municipal self-government bodies. The study involved special legal cognition methods. In particular, the author applies the formal legal method which allows to reveal the procedure of application and use of the constitutional legal basis, regulating the procedure for the formation of the municipal bodies in Russia, as well as to define legal terms regarding participation of the local population in the formation of municipal government bodies and to classify the types of formation of the municipal bodies. The author uses the method of legal interpretation, which is used for the independent interpretation of the nature of constitutional legal norms regarding the methods for the formation of the municipal bodies. The latest changes in the federal legislation concerning the changes in the procedure for the formation of representative bodies of municipal units have not been objects of complex analysis in legal science prior to this article. The author analyzes these changes within the framework of the prior legislative tendencies and novelties in this sphere. He formulates the conclusion on the need to correlated the relevant legal institutions and the principles of supremacy, especially pointing out a number of constitutional principles of municipal self-government according to which the conclusions are made on the need to form a necessary legal policy in the issues of the right of citizens to take part in the formation of the representative bodies. The author makes proposals regarding strengthening of the process of formation of these municipal self-government bodies.


local self-government, local government, local population, citizens, non-governmental associations, political parties, municipal elections, representative bodies, election system, municipal entity.

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