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Administrative and municipal law

Serov, A.S. Administrative procedural guarantees of participants in the proceedings in the administrative offence cases.

Abstract: The study of administrative legal position of the participants in the administrative offences cases shows that the problem of guarantees of rights and lawful interests of a person in the proceedings on administrative offences cases has several main aspects regarding the proceedings on the cases of administrative offences; application of administrative coercion measures in general, activities of the state regarding guarantees of rights and lawful interests of the state in the administrative law sphere. In the Russian Federation the system of state protection of human rights and basic freedoms is established and it included the rights and freedoms of a victim of an administrative offence. In the process of development of administrative legislation the activities of state bodies and officials implementing proceedings on administrative offence cases there was shift from the principle of protection of rights and interests of the state, society and individual. The methodological basis for the work was formed by the modern achievements of the cognitive theory. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The legal position of the participants of the proceedings on the administrative offences cases is characterized by a complex of rights and obligations, which are based upon the constitutional rights and obligations of an individual, having its own specificities, additional rights and obligations. Additionally, the legal position of the participants of the administrative offence cases includes legal responsibility, which takes place in cases of non-performance or undue performance of their obligations.


guarantee, process, participant, status, regulation, coercion, organization, proceedings, stage, person.

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