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International Law and International Organizations

Kasenova, M.B. International cooperation and managing the use of Internet

Abstract: The discussions on the role of Internet, its global functioning and formation of the models for its trans-border use, the issue of who controls and manages the Internet is key. This article contains analysis of problems of Internet management in relation to the functioning of the multidimensional model of Internet management within the context of cyber-security problems. In the opinion of the author the cyber-security may not be viewed outside the context of Internet management in general and formation of the model for the Internet management in particular, since a different approach to understanding cyber-security may lead at least to polycentrism and fragmenting of the Internet within the frameworks of national jurisdiction of the states, and it may destroy the global networks, becoming an obstacle in the trans-border functioning of the Internet, as well as to the domination of state in the multi-stakeholder model of Internet management. The article also analyzes the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare of 2014, discussing the issues of role and value of modern international law.


Internet, management, international cooperation, cyber-security, global network, cyber-warfare, international law, cyber-space, multi-stakeholderism, self-regulation.

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