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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Sherkova, T. A. Image-Based Symbolic Language of Ancient Egyptian Culture: Predynastic Period

Abstract: Cosmogonic myths have always had a direct relation to social life. Life-sustaining activity of a social organism and human beliefs symbolically conformed to the perfect, sacred, harmonious cosmos, the picture of the world that was based on primary sources and roots. That created the main function of rituals which was the restoration of the cosmic order and constant returning to the beginnings of the universe in a cyclic stream of time. Therefore understanding the beginnings and primary sources was considered to be the most important. Understanding the beginnings of the universe was associated with the energy and libido necessary for the development of the society and human. Image-based symbolic language of the predynastic culture of Ancient Egypt laid the grounds for further development of culture which was reflected in religious and mythological texts and ritual practices. Mythological images and motives of the archaic period of Ancient Egypt can be compared to archetypal images and symbols in transpersonal psychology. Thus, the image-based symbolic language of Ancient Egypt helps us to better understand archetypal images stored in the unconsciousness of the ancient and modern human.


energy of the first creation, returning to the beginnings, understanding the primary sources, symbol, transcendent function, archetypal images, embryology, transpersonal psychology, spirituality of the Great Mother, self.

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