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Actual problems of Russian law

Kutafin, D.O. On the definition of transit of energy resources

Abstract: This article concerns specific features of regulation of social relations in the sphere of transit of energy resources. The author also provides a brief overview of the history of formation of this system of relations starting from 1960s and to the analysis of the drafts and treaties in this sphere at the current stage of development. The author pays special attention to the need for the legitimacy of the definition apparatus, namely, passing an unified definition of energy resources transit. It is noted that use of this term in the current Russian legislation would be of help for resolving the disputes in the energy sphere. In particular, the author analyzes a range of normative legal sources, where the term transit is legislatively provided for and widely used. The author makes a substantiated conclusion on the need to pass an independent Federal Law on the transit of energy resources, which would provide for the definition apparatus and for a legal definition of transit, which would correspond to the needs of Russia as a participant of the transit relations.


transit of energy resources, building a gas pipe line, energy, natural gas, freedom of transit, transit traffic, tax levy, Directive of the European Union, Regulation of the European Union, oil and gas.

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