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Actual problems of Russian law

Kim, V.V. Re-socialization as the basis for the individual prophylactics of the crimes committed by persons who are ill with tuberculosis

Abstract: Resocialization of persons, who have served their criminal punishment has became an inalienable part of complex of measures for the prevention of repeated relapse into crime. Annually up to 300 000 people are released from the penitentiary institutions of the penitentiary service for the execution of punishments, and many of them are ill with such socially important illnesses as HIV-infection and tuberculosis. This article is devoted to the existing problems in the sphere of resocialization of the convicted criminals ill with tuberculosis, as the main means of individual prophylactics of relapse into crime. The author discusses especially topical issues of the succession between the penitentiary system and the healthcare bodies (anti-tuberculosis treatment clinics), the problems of registering the persons ill with tuberculosis who were released from penitentiary institutions. The author offers a number of amendments in the current penitentiary, criminal and criminal procedural legislation. It is not possible to resolve the resocialization problem without legislative provisions for it as a priority direction of a criminal law policy of the state, which requires adoption of legal documents regulating the resocialization process at the state level and define its goals.


tuberculosis, crime, resocialization, crime prophylactics, social adaptation, convicts ill with tuberculosis, individual prophylactics, aid to the convicts, preparation of convicts, relapse into crime.

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