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Actual problems of Russian law

Sivakova, I.V. Administrative changes in the system of social guarantees: repeating the historical experience

Abstract: The article concerns the chain of consecutive changes in the order of administration and organization of the Russian system of social guarantees from the time of its formation after the October Revolution of 1917. The historical experience of administration of social security in the conditions of the Soviet statehood allows one to draw a number of parallels with the latest reorganizational solutions of the Russian government in this sphere and to provide their objective evaluation. The issues of implementation of the social policy of the state were from time to tim redistributed among three institutions (people’s commissariats or ministries), which were in charge of the healthcare, labor safety and social guarantees. These administrative decisions had a direct influence on the formation of the system of sources of the social guarantees law. Centralized administration of the entire system of social guarantees by one competent body leads to the tendencies of codification of the social legislation, while administrative division of issues of social guarantees among different institutions leads to growing of the normative legal mass.


social guarantees, social protection, social insurance, People’s Commissariat of Social Guarantees, codification of the social legislation, insurance payments, State Committee for Labor, Ministry of Social Guarantees, social policy, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

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