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Actual problems of Russian law

Shevchenko, O.A. Sports determinants defining the specific features and distinguishing the labor relations of professional sportsmen

Abstract: The article concerns and singles out unique specific features of the nature and structure of sports regarding the labor relations of professional sportsmen. The author defines the following specific features: personified character of labor relations; significant risks of harm to health of a professional sportsman and systematic damage to the health of professional sportsman throughout his sports activities, specific features of temporal conditions of labor of professional sportsmen, which are rather different from the typical conditions for other spheres of labor relations; additional obligations and responsibility of professional sportsmen; specific features of transfer of a professional sportsman to a different working position, specific features of hiring professional sportsmen, specific features of labor market in sports. The factors mentioned in this article convincingly prove the considerable specificities of the labor (or to be more precise, sports labor) relations regarding professional sportsmen, determining objective de facto and instrumental legal need for differentiation of labor relations in the sphere of sports. The author offers to introduce the term sports labor relations in regard to professional sportsmen.


professional sportsman, sports labor relations, differentiation of labor relations, sports, sportsmen and trainers, labor relations, working conditions, remuneration of sportsmen, protection of health of sportsmen, transfer of sportsmen.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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