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Philology: scientific researches

Konson, G.R. The Divine and the Devilish in Psychology of Personality with the Dual Consciousness Disorder (the Case Study of Selected Literary Works)

Abstract: The subject matter of this research article is the moral nature of man and the principles of moral destruction during life crises. The destruction of spiritual constant is accompanied with the fear experienced by man in response to the deformation of his world view. As a result, all kinds of hallucinations may occur. The central images of these hallucinations are imps, devils and demons coming from fairy-tale folklore and fiction. At the same time, the author of the present article shows that the devilish beginning of man is, in fact, the creation of his own consciousness. In his research the author uses a combination of approaches that includes methods of historical, philosophical, psychological, literary and music analysis. This article presents a research of the phenomenon of combined divine and devilish beginnings of man. In this regard, the author focuses on man’s conscience as a guide to the divine as well as devilish features separating us from the divine. After reviewing different interpretations of the image of devil, the author concludes that all these images reflect human nature and therefore man’s ‘specific’ features such as super-villainy and hostile acts against God, provoking and punitive activity, mystification and deceit, criticism and wickedness. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the level of neuroticism of the main hero who sees a devil, in other words, the problems of the phenomenon of insanity and the entire dialectics of the implicit and explicit meanings of the existence of the main hero interacting in his own consciousness.


image, human, the divine and devilish, evil, devil, demon, Satan, Lucifer and Ahriman, conscience and morals, conception.

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