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Philology: scientific researches

Gurevich, P.S. The Grandeur of the Intellectual Tradition

Abstract: Soon it will be 40 years since the date of death of an American literary critic and essay writer Lionel Trilling (105 — 1975). His literary and philosophical ideas are analyzed and studied by the author of the article. Lionel Trilling’s works have been quite popular in America. His discussions on TV got him most of his fame. His discussions appealed to so called ‘intellectuals’ but not the mainstream audience. While many USA writers were absorbed in mysticism, Lionel Trilling emphasizes the need for further development and enrichment of the practice of rationalism. The author of the present article uses the method of reconstructing the life story of a critic. He also uses the methods of comparative analysis and metaphysical reflection and adopts the techniques of axiological measurement of human being. The novelty of this research article is the following: this article is the first one in Russian scientific literature to acquaint the readers with Lionel Trilling and his essays on literature an society such as ‘The Liberal Imagination’ (1950), ‘The Opposing Self’ (1955), ‘A Gathering of Fugitives’ (1956), ‘Beyond Culture’ (165) and others.


philology, philosophy, liberalism, society, mind, belief, rationalism, consciousness, utopia, nihilism.

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