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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Tarusina, N.N. Russian family legislation: main tendencies of its development

Abstract: The article concerns the main tendencies of development of the key institutions of the family law and family legislation: marriage, parenting and childhood, guardianship and custodianship, as well as the issues of interaction between general and special civil procedural norms regarding judicial proceedings and resolution of family disputes in courts. The author criticizes the positions of a number of civil law scholars on the civil law nature of family law and legislation. She supports the position of the systemic legislative approach to the definition apparatus of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, including the need to provide definitions for marriage and family. The article includes analysis of constituting elements of marriage and de-facto spousal relations, specific features of legal capacity of a child in a family, as well as the issue of application of the construction of family law responsibility towards it. The author also analyzes the system of family law contracts, and the modern aspects of influence of family law relations and norms on the contents of civil procedural norms, including those within the system of family legislation.


family legislation, disciplinary sovereignty, development, tendencies, marriage, family, parenting, parental status, legal obligation, child.

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