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National Security

Mikhailova, A.V. The method of preliminary examination of potential contracting parties via the Internet resources.

Abstract: This article was written based on the results of course “Security of entrepreneurial activity”, and it is devoted to the methods of studying potential contracting parties with the use of Internet. As an illustration for the distance means of gaining information about the potential contracting parties the author methodologically provides examples of popular schemes in the Internet community, and they are based upon lack of information in one of the parties. Novelty of the material is due to the fact that it is aimed at the youth audience, actively using Internet resources for business purposes. Taking this fact into consideration, today the enterprises no matter what size they are should protect their commercial secrets carefully and at the same time use commercial intelligence. Within the context of this work, the author evaluates the information of potential contracting parties, since in the everyday life individuals often have to do with the contracting parties, and not competitors. Additionally, collection of such information is easier to bring into system, while competitor monitoring is often personalized and it requires certain professional knowledge and capacities within the relevant field.


contracting parties, personal data, Internet, social networks, monitoring, scamming, disinformation, business intelligence, infobusiness, law on information.

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