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Police activity

Makarov, A.A. Legal status of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level.

Abstract: The article concerns the following: legal status of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level; typical structure of a territorial body of the MIA of Russia at the district level; main directions of activities of a territorial body of the MIA at the district level; goals and competence of the internal affairs bodies according to the Russian legislation for territorial district bodies; organizational and service rights of law-enforcement and social nature, as provided to a head of the territorial body at the district level. The methods used are: dialectics, systemic method, comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, content-analysis of normative acts. A territorial body at the district level includes sub-divisions (divisions, offices) of the police, which work in accordance to the relevant regulations, while not being independent legal entities. The typical departmental regulation contains a wide scope of rights and obligations, and it is not always possible to implement them due to specific features of territory (number of persons, etc.) and cadres. For example, in many police divisions in a territorial body at a district level there is no opportunity to hold expert forensic activities and to have state genome registration, which allows not to include (to exclude) these spheres of competence into the regulations. Another provision of typical regulations regarding the fact that the territorial limits of service for the police department are defined by a legal act of the head of the relevant territorial body of the MIA of Russia at the regional level, which does not allow for the rapid and clear adjustment of borders. Topical issue of territorial limits of the area, which a certain division serves may not be resolved just by reference to condition with no mechanism for defining and adjusting these borders. Before it is done, there is need to follow de-facto territorial borders and practice of their adjustment in order to exclude disagreements, which would breach the rights of claimants (victims). The above-mentioned problems of legal position of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level require further work within the framework of continued reforms


police, territorial body, competence, goals, structure, the MIA of Russia, division, police department, internal affairs body, department level.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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