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National Security

Evseev, V.V. The Syrian crisis from the standpoint of Russian-American relations.

Abstract: The article concerns the current situation and perspectives of resolution of the Syrian crisis. Special attention is paid to the problem of chemical weapons, the fact of use of which on August 21, 2013 near Damask could have been used by the USA and its allies for the armed intervention into the domestic affairs of a sovereign state. The author shows the implementation of the Russian — American plan for the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons. It is established that the procedure of taking chemical weapons out of Syria and their destruction is very complicated. In order to implement it, there has to be will of the leading states in the Global Patnership program and in the renewed Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. Based upon the analysis the author evaluates the influence of the Syrian crisis on the situation in the Russian-American relations. It is noted that Washington D. C. is ready for the equal partnership with Moscow in the rather narrow spheres, one of which relates to the problem of Syrian chemical weapons.


Syria, foreign policy, the USA, geopolitics, conf licts, diplomacy, interests, values, security, the UN.

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